Continued from Part 1...
Well!! It was one of the best Christmas I have ever enjoyed, whole family together, i.e not just my sisters, but all cousins too. Was absolute damaal!!! Cakes, Crackers, jokes, pulling each others legs, it was amazing, really enjoyed. However on Christmas day it was again shown how dangerous Kerala roads are, There was a accident just outside our house between a bike and a auto-rickshaw. The bike riders were knocked to the ground and the Rickshaw drove off without a backward glance. Luckily none of the riders were hurt, just scared, we gave them water and they sat at our house for some time before leaving.
The next day was Agustos Baptism, again damaal, the Function at Church and the reception went off fine, nothing much to write apart from the fact that I enjoyed the day again, it was fun.
on 27th we had to go to leave Agusto at his dad's place a 1.5 hour drive away, well the drive was pretty fine, Agusto was sleeping almost the whole trip. Left him at his dad's place and came back, the house felt so empty without him. (I know I am getting a bit emotional here, sorry!!)
Then the 3 days in Kerala was pretty fun, I cut down coconuts from the tree, Real hard work. I cheated a bit as I had not really climbed the coconut tree but up a ladder poped up against the tree. But again if anyone has ever tried to get a coconut down will tell you cutting the coconuts lose from the tree is not as easy as it looks from the ground. It was my first time so am sure I took more time and energy than professional coconut tree climbers. In all we got 21 coconuts from a tree. Pretty cool! The sweet coconut water made the whole work rewarding.
Getting coconuts down from the tree is only 1 part of the work, removing the husk from the coconut is the other part. Thankfully this was not as difficult as getting the coconuts down. But it took considerable time and effort.
What else, cut down papaya and Bananas from the garden too. Well I don't know if I can call the backyard of the house a garden, all these Banana, coconut and Papaya trees are growing there, but as no one really was looking after it, the whole place is grown up with weeds and plants. Moms got plenty of plans to convert the whole thing into a proper vegetable plantation when she goes down there.
Now back in Mumbai, I got to say that usually when I am in Kerala down for a vacation a week is enough to bore me and I keep waiting when I will be back in Mumbai, But this time I was sorry that I had to fly back, I really enjoyed my trip.
Anyway 3 more days before I join back to office, In Mumbai I guess am just going to be lazying my days away. So concluding my Vacation blog.
Happy New year to all.
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